November 21, 2008
Let's catch up on recent NEWS!
-well, I slept at 6:15 in the morning today and took half an hour nap. Extremely sleepy... Now my eyes are hurting me. But anyways...
(translated by love_of_tvb)
廖碧兒否認與陳豪分手溫哥華拍西片 感情生變? (Bernice Liu doesn't admit breaking up with Moses Chan. She is currently in Vancouver filming a Western movie.)
廖碧兒身在溫哥華,為接拍首部荷李活電影The King of Fighters作好準備,合演者有Maggie Q。廖碧兒在當地逗留3個月,與緋聞男友陳豪分隔兩地,遂傳出分手傳聞,她對此沒好氣說:「大家當娛樂新聞看便算!」
Bernice Liu is currently in Vancouver preparing to film The King of Fighters, a Hollywood movie. She will be working with Maggie Q. Bernice will stay there for 3 months, and be separated with Moses in two different destinations. Asked about the breakup rumors, she replied without anger "Everyone, treat it as entertainment news only!"
廖碧兒昨日接受查小欣長途電話訪問,她表示正跟工作人員進行排練及整裝,每日朝十晚十,而Maggie Q稍後會合大隊。有傳她為拍此戲而推掉逾百萬元酬勞的工作,廖碧兒說:「一切由公司安排,今次機會難得,好開心公司替我爭取,藝人應向不同方向挑戰。」她在溫哥華住在婆婆家,每早7時便吃早餐。
Bernice received a long distance phone call interview from Cha Siu Yan. She said that everyday she is trying on new costumes and practicing. Everyday, she works from 10 AM to 10 PM, and Maggie Q will be joining them soon. Rumors have it that because of this Hollywood film, she has lost millions of dollars from advertisers and series. She said "Everything was arranged by TVB. This is a great opportunity. I'm happy that TVB got me this job. Artistes should go for different challenges." She currently lives at her maternal grandmother's house and wakes up at 7 each morning to eat breakfast.
當娛樂新聞看待 (Treat them as Entertainment news)
Asked if she misses Moses Chan, Bernice replied "This time, I went to Vancouver in a hurry. I did not tell a lot of my friends. Moses didn't really give me advice, but he knows that I am a hardworking person. " And to the breakup rumors, she said "Just treat them as entertainment news. Breaking up or dating are said by others. It has nothing to do with me." She said that her idol target is Chow Yun Fat. She said "He still keeps his 真性情 as of today."
-Credits: Mingpao Daily News
獨家直擊台慶真人騷貼身呵護 耳邊調情 黃宗澤胡杏兒公然親熱 (BOSCOLIE)
為搞噱頭,今年《萬千星輝賀台慶》御准佘詩曼拖鄭嘉穎上台唱情歌,又安排胡杏兒與黃宗澤(Bosco)大跳貼身勁舞,實行擺緋聞上,製造話題,可惜兩Pair情侶表現如交功課般,驚喜欠奉,反觀在開騷前席的總綵排上,以為沒有記者在場的胡杏兒竟公然依偎在男友Bosco胸膛上,旁若無人地調情,只見扁嘴詐嬌的女方,不斷拉扯頭髮,一臉苦惱,Bosco見狀,即貼面呵錫,又不停在女友耳邊呵氣,難得的是,台上其他藝人對此等肉麻行徑見慣不怪,只可惜這段真人騷得《頭條日報》獨家放映。 採訪:袁東亮、韓成、陳辰、張詠森
For gimmicks this year, the TVB 41st Anniversary Gala featured Charmaine Sheh and Kevin Cheng to sing love songs on stage. Myolie Wu and Bosco Wong were also arranged to dance together. But, both pairs failed to show any work to please the audience. However, when they were practicing, reporters found Myolie on Bosco's chest. Bosco saw Myolie frowning and constantly pulling on her hair. Seeing the nervous Myolie, Bosco kept saying things into Myolie's ears and the best part: the other dancers on stage saw this as a regular thing. This caught the attention of HEADLINE NEWS.
一眾緋聞情侶前晚被TVB齊齊擺上,當事人可以寓工作於拍拖,自然歡迎公司安排,不過,雖然可以正牌談情,但鄭嘉穎及佘詩曼等皆顯得避忌,只有緋聞歷史最長的黃宗澤及胡杏兒表現最真實,兩人齊在開Show前為參與的《歌舞春宵Mega Show》作最後綵排,話晒已簽約唱片公司向樂壇進發,男方更鐵定12月推出處男專輯,兩位準樂壇新人自然不容有失,綵排亦較緊,為緩和緊張氣氛,Bosco不斷跟杏兒講笑,終令緊張的女方大發嬌嗔。
With the longest rumor history, Boscolie performed the most realistic. Bosco's first CD will come out in December 2008
It might have been that it was a live show performance that got Myolie so nervous, constantly frowning. To make his girlfriend happy, Bosco kept sticking to Myolie, but Myolie only saw him as transparent. Myolie continued to practice her dance moves, while Bosco spent 10 minutes sweet talking to Myolie. Finally, Myolie let out a laugh and the two flirted in open public. Then, Myolie leaned on Bosco's chest. The other stage dancers watched the two for half an hour.
Credits: Headline News
These cheered me up, as I haven't seen one of these posts for a LONG time... Do you know what this means? FANFIC TIME IS NEAR!!!!!! STAY TUNED!
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