August 18, 2009

Don't lose Hope.

楊怡昨日出席無綫新劇拜神,劇中與林峯飾演一對的她,指對方近年只顧與鍾嘉欣演情侶,轉頭又搞笑地追問馬國 明她與胡定欣哪個好?實行周圍辣火頭。

Yesterday, Tavia Yeung appeared at a blessing ceremony for TVB's new series. In the series, Tavia will be paired with Raymond Lam. Raymond has been paired with Linda Chung for the past year. Tavia jokingly replied about Kenneth Ma and Nancy Wu.

楊怡透露今次於新劇《談情說案》是繼《大唐雙龍傳》後,再與林峯演情侶:「佢近年主要同鍾嘉欣做情侶!再做 情侶,覺得佢成熟穩重咗,大家都大個咗,情感多咗好多。(怕唔怕傳緋聞?)我係緋聞絕緣體。」她又笑言其實 是同劇的馬國明想與她傳緋聞:「馬國明話想同我傳喎!(人哋有胡定欣!)戲外唔知。(你好定胡定欣好?)T VB出產一定好,佢鍾意胡定欣,咪由佢去。」說罷即拉着馬國明,追問對方覺得她好還是胡定欣好?馬國明即揀 楊怡,但楊怡卻說:「佢話我好?你見唔見佢攞個橙 住良心講。」

In the new series, Tavia will be paired with Raymond, as they were in "Twin of Brothers." Raymond: For the past year, I've been paired with Linda Chung. If we continue to star as a couple, I feel that we have matured and grown up. We are more emotional now. Reporters: Aren't you afraid of rumors?Raymond: Yeah, I have rumors occassionally. Tavia: Kenneth said he wants to get some rumors with me.Reporters: But, he had Nancy.Tavia: Oh, I don't know about his life outside the series.Reporters: Who's better, you or Nancy?Tavia: TVB products are alway good. If he likes Nancy, then go ahead.

咀廖碧兒驚陳豪嬲 (Kissing Bernice; Afraid that Moses will be Mad)

馬國明死撐沒有 住良心,又自爆媽咪經常讚楊怡好女仔。談到劇中與廖碧兒有不少咀戲,馬國明揚言不用備案:「任咀唔嬲。(驚 唔驚胡定欣嬲?)唔驚。(驚陳豪嬲?)反而有啲驚!」

Kenneth blurted that his mom always praises Tavia for being a good girl. In the series, Kenneth will have numerous kissing scenes with Bernice.
Kenneth: I won't get mad, we can kiss all we want.
Reporters: Are you afraid that Nancy will be mad?
Kenneth: No.
Reporters: Afraid that Moses Chan will be mad?
Kenneth: Oh yes.

另外,陳豪昨日為咖啡專門店擔任剪綵嘉賓,大爆廖碧兒品嘗過他沖的咖啡後亦讚不錯:「有興趣成立個人品牌開咖啡店。(廖碧兒合資?)會叫,亦都會叫多啲藝人。」他並表示除了投資股票,亦有投資物業,可惜一場金融海嘯,令他在股票市場損失一百萬 元。

Also, Moses Chan was a special guest at a coffee shop opening yesterday. He also said that Bernice had praised his coffee as being good tasting. Moses: I want to have my own coffee brand shop.Reporters: Will Bernice be part of it?Moses: Yes, and I will tell many other artists as well.Moses lost 1 million (HKD?) due to the economical crisis.

Source: The Sun
Translated by: love_of_tvb


Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 8/18/2009 06:09:00 PM


Apparently, they love playing games with the reporters. They will answer to anything, except the fact that they are together.


It's funny how they keep on lying in denying. It's obvious!


In public, they literally "flirt" with each other, but in real life, only they will know.




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