July 15, 2011
Bosco Willing to Use His Salary as Deposit For Myolie's New Car
杏兒睇中新車 黃宗澤全份人工落訂 (Myolie Wants a New Car, Bosco Willing to Use His Salary as Deposit)
黃宗澤(Bosco)與胡杏兒已是公開的一對,昨日Bosco出席新車發布會時,坦言是代女友 看車,更半開 玩笑表示會將活動的酬勞用作買車的訂金!
Bosco Wong and Myolie Wu are an open pair. Yesterday, Bosco attended a car function and admitted that he went to help girlfriend, Myolie look for cars. He half-jokingly said that he will use the money he earned for that function as a deposit to buy the car.
Bosco昨日與陳法拉為平治新車發布儀式擔任揭幕嘉賓,他踢爆杏兒看中一部價值近80萬港元的全新SL K 系列跑車,故託他前來看車。問到是否送車給女友,Bosco說:「佢賺咁多錢,唔使我送啦!( 有冇Disc ount?)未傾,希望有啦!我頭先都講笑話唔使出糧畀我,落咗訂先,出車先,可以快啲有。(情侶車? )唔 係,佢本身都鍾意車。」
Bosco and Fala Chan attended a Benz car function yesterday and Bosco admitted that Myolie liked one of the SLK race cars worth 800,000 dollars. He went to help Myolie look for the car. Asked if he was buying Myolie the car, Bosco said "She earns a lot of money, she doesn't need me to buy it for her!" (Any discount?) "We haven't discussed that yet, hopefully there will be! As I had joked earlier, they don't need to pay me for today, the money can be used as a deposit to buy the car. If I place the deposit first, maybe I can get the car first when it comes out." (Will you two use the same type of car?) "No, she liked the car in the first place."
曾在睡房被偷拍全裸照的他,自此一直拉上房間窗簾,他還透露有次在沙灘暢泳後,僅穿泳褲赤膊駕 車離開,而新 車的天窗有變色功能,可防止偷拍。至於陳法拉則透露有意買一部雙門車,除方便泊位外,還可享受 二人世界。
Having been photographed naked, he said that he drapes the curtains now. He noted that one time he drove with just his swimming pants after going to the beach. The new car has a function that allows the windows to turn black, making it harder for photographers to snap pictures without consent. And, Fala admitted that she wanted to buy a double door car, since it is easier to park and she can enjoy time with her boyfriend.
Source: The Sun, OnTV
Translated by: love_of_tvb
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