July 18, 2011

TVB Starhub Awards 2011

So, there's a video on http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=1143931762 that shows Myolie thanking people for the award. I don't really understand Mandarin, but people on the forum said she thanked Bosco. However, they didn't show Bosco's reaction when Myolie thanked him.

According to Justvb, it went like this:

King Kong said to Myolie when she took the character award: "Hey you forgot to thank someone."
Myolie Wu: "Oh ya, I would like to thank Julian, scriptwriter, producer......"
King Kong: "You missed out someone important."
Myolie Wu: "Then I would like to thank him"??? "him" refers to Bosco after much pressure by MC to thanks Bosco. haha.

For those who were not able to see the pics, you can go to http://www.starhub.com/tvbawards and scroll towards the middle. There are a few pics of Boscolie standing next to each other. It's after the King Koil ad. Keep scrolling.

Credits: Baidu, http://www.just-tvb.blogspot.com/, Starhub


陳豪和佘詩曼、黃宗澤( Bosco)和徐子珊以及張智霖和胡杏兒等螢幕情侶,前晚到新加坡出席頒獎禮,由於配合劇集關係, Bosco和真女友胡杏兒全晚只能陪着螢幕上的另一半,但訪問期間 Bosco即被追問何時跟胡杏兒結婚,一度令他不知所措。

由新加坡電視台主辦的《星和無綫電視大獎 2011》前晚在當地舉行,一眾無綫花旦小生飛往新加坡盛裝出席,包括李司棋、黎耀祥、陳豪、佘詩曼、黃宗澤、楊怡、徐子珊、胡杏兒和陳法拉等,現場有近 4,000位觀眾,各花旦小生皆有 fans打氣。
原本林峯也會出席,但因其祖母早前突離世並於日前出殯,故林峯取消出席,因此他憑《談情說案》中的一角成為「我最愛 TVB電視男角色」之一,以及憑主題曲《我們很好》得到「我最愛 TVB主題曲」等獎項,皆由女主角楊怡代領。

The "TVB Starhub 2011 Awards Ceremony" took place in Singapore yesterday night. Many TVB artistes flew to Singapore wearing extravegant formal wear, including Louise Lee, Wayne Lai, Moses Chan, Charmaine Sheh, Bosco Wong, Tavia Yeung, Kate Tsui, Myolie Wu, Fala Chan, and others. Almost 4,000 were seated to support the artistes.

Originally, Raymond Lam was to attend, but because his paternal grandmother passed away suddenly, Raymond Lam had to cancel his appearance. From "Mysteries of Love", he obtained "My Favorite TVB Male Character" and from theme song "We Are Good", he got "My Favorite TVB Theme Song", which female lead Tavia helped to get.

宗澤被追問婚期 (Bosco Pressured About Marriage)

當晚各人都悉心打扮現身,其中徐子珊和唐詩詠均谷胸出現,稍露事業線,成功搶鏡。至於憑劇集《公主嫁到》贏得「我最愛 TVB螢幕情侶」的陳豪和佘詩曼,竟巧合地穿上同色靚衫出現,十足情侶裝,幸好陳豪追求中的陳茵媺當晚不在場,否則可能令她大發醋意。陳豪和阿佘在台上也如劇中般鬥氣,阿佘說:「這個角色真的很有挑戰性,跟陳豪好像由一開始鬥嘴鬥到最後,很好玩。」阿佘和陳豪還成為「我最喜愛 TVB男、女藝人」,收穫甚豐。

That night, all the artistes spent time deciding on what to wear. Kate Tsui and Natalie Tong chose dresses to show their figures. From "Can't Buy Me Love", Moses Chan and Charmaine Sheh won "My Favorite TVB On-Screen Couple". Coincidently, both of their outfits were the same color. Thankfully, Aimee Chan was not present, or else she would have gotten jealous. Moses and Charmaine continued to bicker on stage, with Charmaine saying "This role was quite a challenge, I had to bicker with Moses from beginning to end, but it was fun." Moses and Charmaine were also "My Favorite TVB Male/Female Artiste".

為配合劇集宣傳,一班演員以劇中情侶檔出現, Bosco全晚拖着徐子珊,胡杏兒則陪着張智霖, Bosco和胡杏兒這對真情侶未有機會合照,但後台訪問時當地傳媒追問 Bosco何時和胡杏兒結婚,他聞言即一臉尷尬不知所措,稍為定神才回答:「現在還是以事業為重。」

To publicize their series, the artistes appeared as couples in the series. Bosco tagged with Kate all night long and Myolie was with Chilam the entire time. Bosco and Myolie, the real couple did not get a chance to take a picture together. But, behing the stage, when reporters asked when Bosco was to marry Myolie, he appeared to be embarassed and said "At this moment, my career is most important".

Credits: Apple Action News

Oh, and videos of Chilam and Myolie getting their "Best Sparks" award and Myolie getting her "Favorite TVB Female Character" award. I wonder how Bosco felt/was watching his girlfriend win "Best Sparks" award with someone else and then singing and hugging on stage! Nice that Chilam blurted 'someone' often visited their set often and Bosco with the 'Don't look at me' look and Myolie denying "No, no such thing." But then King Kong goes "Oh, why is Bosco so free?"

Bosco was so happy when Myolie thanked him on stage!


Better, shorter version of Chilam and Myolie getting award: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Xy1JkE3q43c/

Credits: Chilam-Cheung.com, Tudou.com


Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 7/18/2011 08:33:00 PM


Apparently, they love playing games with the reporters. They will answer to anything, except the fact that they are together.


It's funny how they keep on lying in denying. It's obvious!


In public, they literally "flirt" with each other, but in real life, only they will know.




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