September 13, 2011
Kate and Bosco Supports Myolie to Be TV Queen
每年台慶視帝視后均令小生花旦爭崩頭,雖然距離頒獎禮尚有一段時間,但藝人已各有心水人選,黃宗澤(Bos co)與徐子珊這對螢幕情侶,昨日同聲表示力撐胡杏兒封視后。
黃宗澤(Bosco)、謝天華及徐子珊等昨日出席劇集《潛行狙擊》祝捷會,對於該劇最高收視40點,他們興 奮得開香檳慶祝,不過「Madam Jo」陳法拉卻因忙於拍劇而沒有出席。
無 綫高層樂易玲大談今年視后之爭,對於有傳陳志雲捧法拉當一姐兼造就她奪視后,樂小姐坦言無綫會循序漸進捧花 旦,但亦大讚法拉近期甚有阿姐風範:「咁如果可 以攞視后當然開心,覺得公司應該畀機會囉!(係咪定咗?)依家太早,入圍名單都未有。」樂小姐更指曾擔心杏 兒形象不能入屋,幸得Bosco從旁鼓勵杏兒。
對 於被樂小姐踢爆力撐杏兒,Bosco即笑不攏嘴:「我私下撐杏兒,好想佢攞,佢好努力,《怒火街頭》做得幾 好(同你一齊攞?)我都好想攞個視帝過吓癮! (唔怕得失法拉?)我哋係Friend,法拉有屋企人撐,同埋杏兒真係做得幾好。」Bosco表示有留意女 友出席威尼斯影展的服飾,但略嫌未夠性感,並自 爆杏兒只買了紅酒作手信,又笑言女友孤寒。
今年有五套劇出街的子珊談到視后心水,她說:「梗係杏兒,我好Proud of佢可以去到威尼斯影展!咁我都想入到五強可以企上台(攞埋獎?)唔好講笑。」
剛 從威尼斯回港的杏兒,昨日接受查小欣電台訪問,卻指時間所限,故未有買手信給Bosco,但另一方面Bos co則表示收到紅酒,看來這對小情人未有夾口 供。此外,無綫外事部副總監曾醒明透露該劇共接獲八宗投訴,指不滿意結局要求重拍,廣管局則接獲五個投訴, 指不滿結局悲慘。
Every year, TVB actors and actresses fight for the Best Actor/Best Actress Award. Although there is still a decent amount of time before the awards ceremony, many artistes have already chose their favorites. The onscreen couple Bosco Wong and Kate Tsui both agreed on supporting Myolie to be Best Actress this year.
Bosco, Michael Tse, and Kate appeared yesterday at the 'Lives of Omission' celebration party for the ratings being 40 points. They excited opened champagne to celebrate. But, 'Madam Jo', played by Fala Chan was absent as she was filming another series.
TVB high execuetive Virginia Lok opened spoke about this year's Best Actress race. In regards to Stephen Chan wanting to promote Fala Chan to become first line actress, Miss Lok expressed that there is no single list for who gets promoted, but praised that Fala recently was showing qualities of being a first line actress: "But, if she does get Best Actress, of course it will be happy. I feel that TVB should give the chance!" (It's already known?) "It's too early. The list of nominees aren't even out yet." Miss Lok also pointed out that at one point, she was quite worried that the audience would not like Myolie's image. But, thankfully, Bosco supported Myolie by her side.
Frugal Girlfriend Was Not Sexy Enough
In regards to Miss Lok highly supporting Myolie, Bosco could not help smiling: "I am actually supporting Myolie privately. I really want her to get the award. She worked really hard in 'Ghetto Justice'." (Want to get the award together?) "I want to get a Best Actor award just for the heck of it!" (Not afraid that Fala will be mad?) "We are friends. Fala has her family to support. They both did a good job." Bosco indicated that he paid attention to the outfit that Myolie wore to the Venice Film Festival, but felt that she was not sexy enough. He also blurted that Myolie brought him back red wine as a gift, but laughed that his girlfriend was frugal.
Hopes To Be In the Top 5, But Never Thought About Getting the Award
Having five aired series this year, Kate openly discussed about who she was supporting for Best Actress. She said: "Of course it's Myolie, I am very proud of her that she was able to go to the Venice Film Festival! But, I would like to be in the top 5, so I can stand on stage." (To get the award?) "Don't joke around."
Having just returned from Venice to Hong Kong, Myolie accepted Cha Siu Yan's interview yesterday and expressed that because she had limited time, she was not able to buy anything for Bosco. But, Bosco had said that he received red wine. It seems like the couple did not match their statements in the first place.
Translated by: love_of_tvb
Source: The Sun (Hong Kong)
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