May 29, 2012

Kenneth Ma to Kiss Myolie in New Series, Challenging Bosco

胡杏兒、馬國明、胡定欣及徐子珊等昨日出席劇集《戀愛季節》造型,與杏兒飾演一對的馬國明笑言叫監製加咀戲 。杏兒自稱專業,毋須向男友黃宗澤(Bosco)備案,馬國明在旁開玩笑地挑釁:「叫黃宗澤喺鏡頭前Fee l吓我哋嘅親熱戲。(拍咀戲唔驚畀杏兒發掘你『短處』?)我條脷好長,冇乜短處!」至於為何不跟前女友定欣 演一對?他笑言可能在編審眼中二人不夠合襯,定欣則指杏兒唇厚好咀。而子珊被問到與眼科醫生的緋聞時相當避 忌,指不想影響對方家人。

 Myolie Wu, Kenneth Ma, Nancy Wu, Kate Tsui and others attended the "Seasons of Love" costume fitting ceremony. Kenneth Ma will portray lovers with Myolie Wu and laughed that he asked the producer to add in kissing scenes. Myolie claimed to be professional, and therefore had no need to tell her boyfriend, Bosco Wong beforehand. Kenneth seemed to challenge Bosco, saying "Tell Bosco to watch in front of the cameras and feel our kissing scenes." (Are you afraid that filming these kissing scenes will allow Myolie to find your shortcomings?) "My tongue is pretty long, it's not short!" Asked why the he wasn't paired with ex-girlfriend Nancy Wu, he said maybe it was that the producer didn't see them good together. Nancy pointed that it was perhaps that Myolie's lips were thick, making them easy to kiss. And Kate Tsui was rather indirect when replying rumors about the eye doctor, hoping the news will not affect the doctor's family. 

Source: The Sun (Hong Kong)
Translated by: love_of_tvb

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Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 5/29/2012 10:50:00 PM


Apparently, they love playing games with the reporters. They will answer to anything, except the fact that they are together.


It's funny how they keep on lying in denying. It's obvious!


In public, they literally "flirt" with each other, but in real life, only they will know.




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