August 31, 2009


Surprise! Surprise! and Surprise...

Just when you least expected...

Andy Lau married Carol Chu (24 year girlfriend) on June 28, 2008 in Las Vegas, Nevada. He posted an apology letter on his site after the news spilled.

Leon Lai married Gaile Lok on March 9th, 2008 in Las Vegas, NV, although they denied this when they were asked last year after their honeymoon in Madasgascar. And then, they pretended that they were still just boy/girlfriend. And although, Leon held his concert named "" in June of 2009, reporters had still thought he would propose to Gaile during the concert. Good job hiding the facts!

And, Mariam Yeung and Real Ting married on August 11th, 2009 in Las Vegas, NV.

You know I was so shocked to learn the news. I haven't used to Internet for only a day and a half and all these news just come out of no where!!!

Let's hope BERMO and BOSCOLIE have already married/ or will marry secretly and then the reporters will expose them.

WELL as they all say: What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. ;)

Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 8/31/2009 03:20:00 PM :: (0) comments

August 27, 2009


I was watching "Entertainment News" on one of the Chinese channels yesterday, when I stumbled upon a pretty interesting piece of news:

Bosco Wong and Sharon Chan, along with William Chan and another female artist attended a cellphone function.

Reporter: Bosco, so...
Bosco: What?
Reporter: You know what I'm talking about.
Bosco: What?
Reporter: That.
Bosco: What?
Reporter: You and Myolie and Okinawa. What are you guys up to.

Bosco: How come my rumors are always with Myolie? I go out to eat with Sharon sometimes.
Sharon: Oh, they're not going to believe that we are together.
Bosco: Why?

And later:
Sharon: Bosco, I'm waiting for your wedding invitation.
Bosco: Huh?
Reporter: Really?
Sharon: Actually, I'm friends with both Bosco and Myolie.
Reporter: And?
Sharon: Even if they weren't dating, we still go out and chat and eat.

Note: Notice how Sharon spills, she's great friends with the two of them. And, why did she say "if they weren't dating"? She could have said "if they were dating..." I call these hints. Thank you Sharon Chan Man Chi.


Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 8/27/2009 03:52:00 PM :: (0) comments

August 24, 2009

Sad to say, but my computer isn't working. I'm only using my mom's laptop. I prob. won't be able to update for a long time.

Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 8/24/2009 06:33:00 PM :: (0) comments

August 18, 2009

Don't lose Hope.

楊怡昨日出席無綫新劇拜神,劇中與林峯飾演一對的她,指對方近年只顧與鍾嘉欣演情侶,轉頭又搞笑地追問馬國 明她與胡定欣哪個好?實行周圍辣火頭。

Yesterday, Tavia Yeung appeared at a blessing ceremony for TVB's new series. In the series, Tavia will be paired with Raymond Lam. Raymond has been paired with Linda Chung for the past year. Tavia jokingly replied about Kenneth Ma and Nancy Wu.

楊怡透露今次於新劇《談情說案》是繼《大唐雙龍傳》後,再與林峯演情侶:「佢近年主要同鍾嘉欣做情侶!再做 情侶,覺得佢成熟穩重咗,大家都大個咗,情感多咗好多。(怕唔怕傳緋聞?)我係緋聞絕緣體。」她又笑言其實 是同劇的馬國明想與她傳緋聞:「馬國明話想同我傳喎!(人哋有胡定欣!)戲外唔知。(你好定胡定欣好?)T VB出產一定好,佢鍾意胡定欣,咪由佢去。」說罷即拉着馬國明,追問對方覺得她好還是胡定欣好?馬國明即揀 楊怡,但楊怡卻說:「佢話我好?你見唔見佢攞個橙 住良心講。」

In the new series, Tavia will be paired with Raymond, as they were in "Twin of Brothers." Raymond: For the past year, I've been paired with Linda Chung. If we continue to star as a couple, I feel that we have matured and grown up. We are more emotional now. Reporters: Aren't you afraid of rumors?Raymond: Yeah, I have rumors occassionally. Tavia: Kenneth said he wants to get some rumors with me.Reporters: But, he had Nancy.Tavia: Oh, I don't know about his life outside the series.Reporters: Who's better, you or Nancy?Tavia: TVB products are alway good. If he likes Nancy, then go ahead.

咀廖碧兒驚陳豪嬲 (Kissing Bernice; Afraid that Moses will be Mad)

馬國明死撐沒有 住良心,又自爆媽咪經常讚楊怡好女仔。談到劇中與廖碧兒有不少咀戲,馬國明揚言不用備案:「任咀唔嬲。(驚 唔驚胡定欣嬲?)唔驚。(驚陳豪嬲?)反而有啲驚!」

Kenneth blurted that his mom always praises Tavia for being a good girl. In the series, Kenneth will have numerous kissing scenes with Bernice.
Kenneth: I won't get mad, we can kiss all we want.
Reporters: Are you afraid that Nancy will be mad?
Kenneth: No.
Reporters: Afraid that Moses Chan will be mad?
Kenneth: Oh yes.

另外,陳豪昨日為咖啡專門店擔任剪綵嘉賓,大爆廖碧兒品嘗過他沖的咖啡後亦讚不錯:「有興趣成立個人品牌開咖啡店。(廖碧兒合資?)會叫,亦都會叫多啲藝人。」他並表示除了投資股票,亦有投資物業,可惜一場金融海嘯,令他在股票市場損失一百萬 元。

Also, Moses Chan was a special guest at a coffee shop opening yesterday. He also said that Bernice had praised his coffee as being good tasting. Moses: I want to have my own coffee brand shop.Reporters: Will Bernice be part of it?Moses: Yes, and I will tell many other artists as well.Moses lost 1 million (HKD?) due to the economical crisis.

Source: The Sun
Translated by: love_of_tvb


Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 8/18/2009 06:09:00 PM :: (0) comments

August 15, 2009

200th POST!!!

And just in time, BERMO and BOSCOLIE have news for my 200th Post...

From: The Sun (translated by love_of_tvb)

廖碧兒拒帶陳豪遊沖繩 (Bernice Refuses to Take Moses Chan to Okinawa)


Recently, Myolie Wu Hang Yee and Bosco Wong Chun Chuk was photographed to be touring Okinawa together. Yesterday, Bernice attended a function and directly said that she recommends Okinawa in Japan. Bernice: I went to Okinawa before to film before. I think it’s very pretty there.
Reporter: How many times have you brought Moses there?
Bernice: We’re not going there. After Kate Tsui Sze Shan comes back, I will ask her how’s Africa and go there to find Tarzan.
Reporter: What about Moses?
Bernice: I’m not going to find him.
Reporter: How is Tarzan in your terms?Bernice: He has to be taller than me, larger than me and be able to take care of me.
When reporters said that Moses matches exactly what she is saying, Bernice showed an awkward face and left.


Currently filming in Mainland China, Myolie admitted to going to Okinawa with Bosco through the words of her assistant.
Assistant: Because before an actor from the series took a vacation, Myolie decided to visit Shanghai for a few days, and then Bosco and his friends decided to go to Okinawa. Myolie has never been there, so they went together.
Reporters: What’s Myolie’s relationship with Bosco?
Assistant: Friends.
黃宗澤儲錢結婚 (Bosco is Saving Money to Get Married)


Counting, Bosco Wong Chun Chuk, who entered the entertainment industry in 2000, has been in the industry for nine years. For the past years, he has been focusing his career on filming series. At first, be was a body guard in "At the Threshold of an Era" and then in "The Awakening Story " as a male gigilo. He is now one of TVB's first lead male actors. In 2005, he received the "Most Improved Actor" award for his role in "Wars of the In-Laws". Recently, he holds an important role in "Burning Flame III". Last year, he entered the music industry and made his first debut CD. Does he wasnt to be like Raymond Lam Fung? He says "I really hope I can hold my own concert. But, I'm not ready yet. I still remember when Virginia Lok told me to try out singing and I thought she was kidding. Until I really became a singer, I thought everything was just a dream. So, how can I hold my concert now? I should do my best in the next album."

望電影圈發圍 (Hopes to Enter the Movie Industry)


Speaking of his future, Bosco plans to try out filming a movie. "I have filmed movies before, but, still I barely do. I want to see how it will be. I don't mind to take any roles. It doesn't matter: evil or ugly. I just want to do the best of my ability." Asked if he wants to focus his career more on singing or filming movies, he hesitated and said "I spent a lot of effort to film [Burning Flame III]. It was really tiring. The weather was hot and humid. We gave in a lot of sweat and effort. Many of the dangerous roles were done by the actors ourselves. It was really difficult. I hope that people can notice me more for my efforts.

冇同杏兒分手 (Did not Break Up with Myolie)

工作上,Bosco可以說得很有目標,很有幹勁,但講到感情事,他即時變得好像「軟皮蛇」一樣,答得拖泥帶水,開口埋口都是「隨緣啦!」、「到時先算啦!」、「冇諗咁多喎!」等Model Answer。提到與胡杏兒一段疑幻似真的感情,他說:「都冇拍過拖,我唔明點解會話我哋分手,不過呢啲都係傳媒寫,習慣晒又唔會好大反應,又唔會覺得唔開心,呢 啲都唔到我去控制。」問到有否想過甚麼時候結婚?他說:「真係冇諗過幾時喎!細個拍拖可能會諗住要同對方結婚,但係個人愈大就反而冇咩諗結婚,覺得同對方溝通到最緊要,不過都未搵到啱嘅對象,到時先算啦!依家仲有排儲錢,起碼賺到七位數字先諗結婚啦!」

In terms of working, Bosco can say that he has a target, but when it comes to relationship questions, he becomes hesitant to speak. When answering, he would say "Whatever", "When it comes, then I'll say", "Let's not talk about that", etc. of model answers. Asked about his suspicious relationship with Myolie, he said "We never dated. I don't understand why reporters alway say we broke up. But this is only what they media wrote. I'm already used to it. I won'd have any big reactions. And, I won't feel unhappy. This is not up to me to control." Asked if he has plans for marriage, he said "It's really not the time yet. When I was younger, I would think of marrying the other when dating. But as I get older, I don't really want to get married. I feel that I must communicate with the other correctly. But I still have not found the right person yet. When it comes, I'll say. Now, I'm saving money. I should have 7 digits before I get married."

講大話有破碇 (His Lies Have Been found to be Fake)


Bosco has been in the entertainment industry for so long. When a reporter asked him how many times has he dated since entering the industry, he replied saying "Hmm... after entering the industry... hmmm... your question... haha... it's difficult to answer." This answer can tell that his relationships are quit secretive.

Uh, what happened to the interview with Mak Ling Ling. I spent so much time on that... Is that really fake? I hope not... Well, Bernice hasn't had news for a long time, so I'm guessing everytime, they (BERMO and BOSCOLIE indivually) tell reporters something, something underneath their words are the real answers. The real words are probably not their truthful answer. JUST ADMIT IT...

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Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 8/15/2009 08:43:00 PM :: (0) comments

August 11, 2009

I passed my Written Test today for driving. Who knows? Everything is so random.


Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 8/11/2009 06:57:00 PM :: (0) comments

August 9, 2009

Now, I'm a little more satisfied with the banner!!! How'd you think?


Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 8/09/2009 04:43:00 PM :: (0) comments

August 8, 2009

The New Banner

Ok, so I tried to follow the instructions to create a banner on photoshop. It's a frustration!!! So, instead, I used Corel Painter and this is hoe is came out to be. But, this is just experimenting... so hopefully it can get better.


Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 8/08/2009 11:57:00 PM :: (0) comments

New Layout

Remember what I said about a new layout for the blog? I think I gave up. I cannot manage Photoshop. I'm looking at the tutorial like WHAT???

Probably a simple layout will do.


Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 8/08/2009 09:50:00 PM :: (0) comments

August 4, 2009

Power Chan and Mimi Lo/ Koni Lui


Yesterday, Power Chan Kwok Bon and Mimi Lo Man Chong attended a press conference. They will sign papers on Dec. 3rd. Their wedding party will last for two days so all friends and family members can attend. After the wedding, Mimi will continue her work and does not plan on having a baby yet. They will not go to their honeymoon yet. Yay! Happy wedding!


After work, Koni Lui was driving to her mom's house when her car crashed because of the slippery floor. This accident injured her left hand and neck. She also mentioned "Now, I'm not going to drive, I will take the taxi. Because I don't want to delay the filming of the series, I will go back to work this evening." She's so hardworking!

Credits: The Sun
Translated by: love_of_tvb


Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 8/04/2009 05:28:00 PM :: (0) comments

I just came back from swimming and it was great. I swam 10 laps (back and forth counts as one lap) with my cousin. It was tiring, but I love swimming. It's so free to be in the water...


Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 8/04/2009 03:26:00 PM :: (0) comments

August 3, 2009

Followup on 'Lan Mos' reported that these young models either have a brain or they are a wreck when it comes to education. Here are their names and scores (from highest to lowest):
Anjalia: 18
Lavina: 14
Angelababy: 13
Chrissie: 6
Wylie: 5
Kama/ Janice Man: 2

Yeah, um… what’s wrong with them?


Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 8/03/2009 08:51:00 PM :: (0) comments



Bosco went to Disneyland in Hong Kong yesterday to wish students luck for their exams. He also stated that when he took the exams, he didn’t do so well, but he did pass all the subjects. After finishing Form 7 (last year of high school in Hong Kong), he entered the entertainment industry. He never thought that he would one day become a successful artist.
Bosco: Now, everyone enters the industry in their teens. If I had entered in my twenties after finishing my studies, it would have been too late.
Reporter: So it’s good now right? You have a girlfriend and you have money.
Bosco: I’m just happy that I found my target for life.

So, the interview must be true… he didn’t deny, and neither did he admit. I like that. That’s what he does best. Breakup rumors? No, I don’t believe that. The interview? Yes, I loved that!!! Is his target his career or his love? I think both.


Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 8/03/2009 08:49:00 PM :: (0) comments

August 2, 2009

Analysis of Bosco's interview.

Ok, so I have like a 99.99999...% in believing Bosco Wong and Myolie Wu are dating. After all, I have liked BOSCOLIE for such a long time. Even though in the interview, Bosco never actually said "Yes, I am dating Myolie Wu from TVB..." to Mak Ling Ling, I know he is. When Mak Ling Ling asked where he goes to for a date, he actually answered. He directly said “Oh nothing much, eating, shopping.” Yes, that’s what regular couples do for a date. He even said that reporters photographed him going to Myolie’s house to cook. So, he’s admitting that they cook together. Did you ever see him blurt out that Myolie’s homemade bread is good? Well, he did this time. And, why would Mak Ling Ling lie? So, this must be a true report. I’m only waiting for reporters to ask him about the interview. They should, because the Oriental Sunday Magazine Issue #607 came out last Sunday. Perhaps they couldn’t find him? And, Myolie is all the way in China filming for a series until August. Therefore, reporters will probably not get back to her until late August/ early September. So, all we have to do is to wait and see. Because, they will have to explain why Bosco said what he said. This is the first time ever that Bosco openly talked about his love relationship with Myolie. He had always tried to avoid the topic in the past.

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Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 8/02/2009 11:47:00 AM :: (0) comments


The 57th Saying: Bosco Wong Cracking Myolie Wu (translated by love_of_tvb)

In this interview, the guest has been in the industry for over ten year, and once obtained the “Best Male Newcomer Award”. Last year, he even started his music career. He is one of TVB’s male artist, Bosco Wong Chun Chak. In this interview, he will explain how he does not have much singer friends, his friendship with Lisa Wang Ming Chuien, as well as his love relationship with Myolie Wu Hung Yee.

Picture of Bosco, Liza, and Myolie: Liza really likes Bosco. They cooperated two series of “War of the In-Laws”. Liza always compliments Bosco. Outside from working, Bosco and Myolie eat together with Liza and Law Kar Ying. The two pairs are like a perfect family of four.

Picture of Bosco and Myolie: Although Bosco and Myolie have been dating for almost five years, they have to act as “just friends” due to certain rules of the company. Bosco says “I’m not dishonest. It’s just that I don’t say it!” It’s really a secret.

B: Bosco M: Mak Ling Ling


M: Do you enjoy being a singer?
B: If you ask me if I enjoy singing or dancing more, I would answer dancing. That’s why I like to sing fast paced songs. To this point, I still feel that I am a newcomer in the music industry.
M: Many singers have different habits when they are recording. Do you have any?
B: When I record [songs], all lights must be off and curtains must be down. I try my best not to see any people.
M: What about fast paced songs?
B: It’s the same. I would relax myself as I would be in a sauna. I feel that when I am showering, I sing pretty well because I am so relaxed.
M: From an actor to a singer, do you feel awkward? Do you have a hard time cooperating with other singers?
B: My God! I’m twenty something; I can’t care about that many things. Others are in their teens or early twenties. I’m almost 30! So, I was the oldest to get the newcomer award last year.
M: Are any of the newcomers your friend?
B: Actually, it’s pretty sad. In the industry, it’s pretty hard to find friends. After all, everybody is busy with their own work. If you ask me if I am friends with Kevin Cheng Ka Wing, I will say we are. If you ask if I’m friends with Raymond Lam Fung, I will answer yes. But, we will not meet together outside of work. Even if we are filming the same series, we don’t really keep in contact once the filming has ended. We will focus on the new series. Therefore, it’s hard to say that we are best friends.
M: You can contact them by the telephone!
B: A man barely talks on the phone. And, I don’t like talking on the phone. I want to hang up even from saying another two lines. I’m weird.
M: Then how do you get girls? Girls like talking on the phone.
B: When I was younger, there was a time when I liked to talk on the phone, but in the past five years, I no longer liked to talk on the phone.
M: But, you’re good with girls. I know you always chat with Jun Jie (Catherine Tsang) and you guys chat very happily.
B: No, we are just friends who can talk together.
M: What about Virginia Lok? Stephen Chan? Do you eat dinner with them?
B: I don’t really eat out with TVB executives. If I do, it’s with a whole group of other artists. Ninety percent of the time, I don’t eat out with them. Everyone knows my personality.


M: Who are you most friends with in the entertainment industry?
B: It’s weird. All of them are older than me. There’s Michael Miu Kiu Wai, John Chiang Dai Wai, and then Power Chan Kok Boan.
M: What about Ron Ng Chuk Hei, Raymond Lam Fung and the others?
B: We talk, but I often eat out with Michael Miu Kiu Wai.
M: They’re all guys. What about girls? Let’s not count Myolie Wu Hung Yee, because she’s not considered as a regular friend.
B: Haha. I don’t really have much that I’m really close with.
M: Impossible. You are so good with girls.
B: I don’t have Aimee Chan Yan Mei’s phone number even though I filmed “Burning Flame III” with her. We just talk and laugh on the set.
M: So, it’s only Myolie Wu Hung Yee?
B: Ah… Ok. You can try looking at my contact list. I don’t have much numbers of the female artists, at much Christine Ng Wing Mei and Sharon Chan Man Chi.
M: These two are so friendly. Most people are friends with them!
B: Well, I have Kate Tsui Sze Shan’s number, but I don’t contact her. We don’t communicate often.
M: Why? Myolie doesn’t let you to get to know other girls?
B: No. It’s just that I don’t have the urge to get others’ phone number.
M: Do girls ask you for your number directly?
B: If they ask, then I’ll give it to them. Haha.
M: Since you’ve been in the industry for so long, have you ever encountered any bothersome things such as annoying people who likes to change the script so often that it lags the progress of the entire series?
B: Not much.
M: Wong Hei?
B: I just think he has high standards. Sometimes I even ask him for his opinions.
M: He changes the scripts often right?
B: Well, evevyone changes their lines. It’s just for the better cause.
M: So, does he communicate with other members of the series?
B: He’s just quiet, but he does eat with others from the series.
M: Has anyone yelled at you?
B: Very little.
M: What about Liza Wang Ming Chuien?
B: No. Actually, I don’t find Ah Jie (Liza) as scary although everyone says she’s scary. I think we have to have the guts to communicate with the older artists. If it doesn’t work the first time, then try another time. I’m sure it’ll work out for one time. If not, then they’ll think you’re sneaky and not like you. I give opinions to which shirt looks better. Even it’s the shirt is ugly, I’ll say it honestly.
M: Do you go out to eat with Liza Wang Ming Chuien?
B: Yes, sometimes we even go our with Law Kar Ying.
M: And Myolie?
B: Yes, the four of us go for hot pot.

Picture of Carisa and Bosco: Although they have broken up, Bosco says they are still friends. And Carisa, a member of FREEZE, says “Sometimes when we see each other, we still greet one another. We can still be friends.”


M: Do you club?
B: Very little. I used to, but not anymore.
M: Doesn’t Raymond Lam Fung tell you to go out?
B: They know me well. I don’t like to play those drinking games. So, even if they go, they won’t tell me to tag along. I have only been to Basement (one of TVB artists’ favorite club) for less than five times.
M: Myolie won’t let?
B: No. I just went to karaoke with Myolie last night… and a lot of other people.
M: For the past few years, you’ve became more obedient. You know you’ve had a lot of negative reports in the past, especially rumors with different artists. (Carisa Yan told reporters that he had two girlfriends at the same time and often spent women’s money.)
B: I was pretty scared back then. I hid at home and screamed. But, life has different obstacles. If life is good all the way, I wouldn’t be sitting here talking with you.
M: But, you seem to have a lot of relationships. How many times have you dated?
B: I don’t remember.
M: There’s too much to keep count?
B: I really don’t remember. I guess eight to ten relationships.
M: What about after going into the industry?
B: Three, four times.
M: Are they all in the entertainment industry?
B: Not really. (Carisa Yan and Myolie Wu)
M: What was the longest time a relationship lasted?
B: Four, five years.
M: You mean the one you currently have.
B: I don’t know. You can count.
M: That’s pretty stable.
B: When you’re young, you break up often. But, as you get older, you want to have a stable relationship.
M: Since you and Myolie are so stable, why not admit it to the public?
B: Ay, timing matters too. Master, why don’t you try to see how it works out?
M: Well, I know how TVB thinks. TVB always say it’s best not to admit it because TVB doesn’t always have to report everything to the public. If a couple breaks up, it will ruin the artists’ images. Couples can still earn money a little here and there as an onscreen couple if they don’t admit it. So, in a commercial view, it’s best not to admit the relationship.
B: Wow, Master, you are so smart.
M: When you two go on a date, where do you guys go?
B: Shopping, eating, not much.
M: Do you like to cook?
B: You guys have photographed me at her place.
M: Who cooks?
B: I cook!
M: She doesn’t know how to cook?
B: No, at that time, I promised her that I would cook. She knows how to cook. Recently, she even learned how to make bread, using an oven to bake it. It’s pretty good!
M: Do you create new surprises for your girlfriend?
B: No. When I go home, I’m a completely different person. I can stay in my room for the whole day. I’m pretty quiet.
M: Have you seen each others’ parents? Or visited them during Chinese New Year?
B: We have done both.
M: Recently, Myolie was said to have a “bland” face. Was she unhappy?
B: She seemed unhappy. I comforted her.
M: Does she seem mean when she’s not smiling?
B: She’s not mean. If you know her well, you will know she’s not mean at all.
M: Do you bring bad luck to your wife? She seemed to be doing well in the past, but this year, she’s a little weak.
B: Master, try to compute.
M: Veins appear on your forehead. Her career does depend a little one you.
B: Huh? Haha.
M: In your words, how is Myolie Wu Hang Yee?
B: She’s very hardworking and a little stubborn. She’s not pessimistic, but she really considers what others think of her.
M: Then she must be unhappy?
B: No, she’s happy.
M: If she’s not happy, what will you do to make her happy again?
B: I will tell her jokes to make her happy again.
M: Both of you are very serious in terms of character right?
B: No, she likes to play musical instruments. I’m sporty. However, it might seem to be a surprise that she’s good at games while I don’t play games.
M: Do you have any plans for marriage?
B: No. When my bank account has a seven digit amount that I can rearrange, I will think about it. I don’t want to starve my wife and live in a crappy home.
M: What about kids?
B: I think a perfect family must consist of parents and kids.
M: Does Myolie like kids?
B: I think she does.


-Popularasians for my first reading of the news. for the many comments from other fans of BOSCOLIE. for the images so I could translate the entire thing.
-Hong Kong Oriental Sunday Magazine Issue #607

I will have a detailed analysis tomorrow after prep. It will include why I think it's real and why I think Bosco suddenly blurted out the whole thing...

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Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 8/02/2009 01:02:00 AM :: (0) comments

August 1, 2009

Translating the article carefully... word by word...


Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 8/01/2009 09:53:00 PM :: (0) comments

August is here! Vacation is going along like a gust of wind...

But, yesterday, I happened to come across a very interesting piece of interview.
From the Oriental Sunday Magazine #607, Bosco Wong had an interview with Mak Ling Ling. He indirectly admitted to dating Myolie!!! Although it was indirect, he was extremely open about this relationship. Currently, I am trying to find clearer scans, so that I can translate it...

Come back later to read the latest.


Posted by love_of_tvb (BERMO and BOSCOLIE) @ 8/01/2009 01:30:00 PM :: (0) comments


Apparently, they love playing games with the reporters. They will answer to anything, except the fact that they are together.


It's funny how they keep on lying in denying. It's obvious!


In public, they literally "flirt" with each other, but in real life, only they will know.




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